Innovation in Switzerland (2021)

On Friday 17 September 2021, our partner Lorine Meylan will co-organize with Marie-Hélène Revaz, Tax Expert and Executive Director at Mazars SA, an EXPERTsuisse seminar on Innovation in Switzerland (“L’innovation en Suisse : anticiper les défis juridiques, fiscaux et comptables”). On this occasion, Lorine Meylan will give a presentation on the rules and best practices for the protection of your intellectual property.

EXPERTsuisse Seminar (2019)

EXPERTsuisse Seminar, “L’innovation en Suisse : les enjeux juridiques, fiscaux et comptables”, co-organised with Marie-Hélène Revaz, Mazars SA

Les Marques dans la Pratique (2012-2013)

Course entitled “Les Marques dans la Pratique” as part of the Intellectual Property course of the Faculty of HEC at the University of Geneva